Anatomy of Potency: Energy Osteopathy
and Quantum Physics 2nd ed.
Nicholas Handoll, D.O.
Hardcover $49.00
Publisher: Osteopathic Supplies
Fulfilled by Baker & Tylor Publisher Services
Anatomy of Potency is distributed by Stillness Press in North America. To order elsewhere contact:
To help further our understanding of cranial osteopathy, Handoll undertakes the challenge of distilling the current knowledge of quantum physics into a digestible form. Within this context he raises and attempts to answer the questions: What is reality? What is sense perception? and How do the two interact? In the same spirit he also addresses many of the seeming incongruities and controversies in osteopathy in the cranial field.
This is a second edition which has been considerably revised and updated.
Table of Contents
1. Struggle
2. Sutherland
3. The Primary Respiratory Mechanism
4. Patterns
5. Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment
6. Who Is Looking?
7. At What Are We Looking?
8. Of What Is It Made?
9. And Of What Are They Made?
10. From Where Did It All Come?
11. Stranger and Stranger
12. Curiouser and Curiouser
13. Another Way Of Looking At It
14. What Can We Make Of It All?
Appendix A: Motion of the cranial base and vomer
Appendix B: Torsion patterns, sidebending rotationpatterns and the face
Appendix C: Shear patterns
End notes
“Nick [Handoll] has given us a seminal text on Osteopathy and the New Physics. This is a must read book. It can open and inform the mind of any practitioner with a commitment to the principle of vitalism, whatever their osteopathic persuasion, and invite them to enjoy greater trust in the vast forces that are involved in our interaction with our patients.”
“Ostensibly this is a book about osteopathy and the perception and interpretation of reality. More specifically, it is about the “cranial osteopathic concept” in practice and our interpretation of the world.
. . . [Handoll] rightly questions not only our cultural perspectives on the nature of substance, but also questions our theories as osteopaths and tries to provide some answers on the subject of the cranial osteopathic concept itself. This latter is, as most of us in the field know all too well, essential if we are to truly interpret the words and modes expounded by Sutherland, Becker, and all those wise men and women who helped to drive this intriguing part of our osteopathic heritage forward.
. . . The way of our bodies blend with our cosmic environment is most elegantly expressed in the book in a way that provides a therapeutic orientation that potentises the work we do.”